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Healthy Skin Starts in the Kitchen

Healthy Skin Starts in the Kitchen

It is no secret that the key to health and wellness begins with what you eat.  Khrisha Hein, nutrition expert and Esthetician at Whisper Creek Spa shared her secrets to luminous and healthy skin: “everything starts with a healthy gut.”  “There are so many natural ways to boost health and wellness that all begin and end with what you eat and how you treat your gut.  Even if I just feel some seasonal allergies coming on, what I eat can make a difference,” she said.  Just a few examples include:

  • Beets to help with high blood pressure
  • Celery for acne. “if you are prone to acne break outs, drink 8 ounces of celery juice a day for 90 days and you will see a difference.”
  • Papaya and Mango are the key to brighter, clearer skin.
  • Drink plenty of water. “This can’t be said enough.  If you do not like drinking water, pick up some watermelon or cucumbers – there is plenty of water just from eating these foods,” she added.   
  • Get a good pre-pro and post biotic. “We sell the Hum brand at Whisper Creek,” said Khrisha.  Getting your gut in check is one of the most important things you can do for overall health. 
  • Turmeric, ginger, and garlic shots will make you almost instantly feel better.

On your face, be sure to use Vitamin C serums, even at a young age.  “I’m just 28, but the amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid we produce starts to decline even before 30 so it’s important to start a good routine of replenishing these nutrients inside the body and out.   As you age, fine lines, wrinkles, and sunken skin are all a result of decreased cell turnover, but healthy diet plays a key role in slowing this process down,” she added.    

“It’s really important to choose high quality supplements.  If you buy cheap products that is what you will get.  If you are making the investment in your gut and your health, spend the extra money to ensure it works, “said Khrisha.  Likewise, she added, “be sure to buy organically grown fruits and vegetables so you aren’t consuming pesticides or toxic chemicals.  Shop at a farmer’s market or places like Fresh Market or whole Foods or locally, I like Cahills on May River Road,” she said.

Book a facial appointment or stop in our retail boutique to talk with Khrisha about how you can maintain a healthy and beautiful glow form the inside out. 

A few of Khrisha’s favorite recipes:

For Clean gut + clear skin plus clear mind and uplifting energy:

  • 1 lemon
  • 3 stalks of organic celery 

For more Hydrated skin

  • 1 organic cucumber -organic you can keep peel which has highest traces of silica 
  • 1 piece of turmeric -gives you a glow factor and has many “clean enzymes” for the body and skin. 

Shots of vitality and health. 

  • Turmeric + ginger for gut health
  • Garlic + ginger + pomegranate for an immunity shot 


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