The HydraFacial Difference
We recently spoke with Brittany Hickman, skin care expert and Esthetician at Whisper Creek Spa about what sets the HydraFacial experience apart from other facials. “HydraFacial is a 7-in-1 treatment that will contour the face for immediate results,” said Brittany. “HydraFacial includes a process for lymphatic drainage and painless extractions. What makes the treatment so unique is the patented technology that allows us to pull and extract toxins from the skin while also pushing in antioxidants and nutrients. It is one of the few facials where you can see a difference immediately. With some facials, they bring blemishes to the surface, instead this one provides immediate contouring,” added Brittany.
HydraFacial is a patented technology that is often found in Medical spas. The difference at Whisper Creek, said Brittany, is the luxury day spa setting. “At Whisper Creek, you put on the robe, relax in a quiet room with a glass of wine or cup of tea, and our treatments include a relaxing massage of hands and feet along with the proven techniques of HydraFacial. It is a perfect facial to have right before a big event because you can really see your face contoured by the lymphatic drainage, she added. “We show our clients what was extracted from their face, and they are amazed. Even when they are very disciplined about great skin care, there are some things that only a HydraFacial machine can extract,” she said.
When asked if the facial is tailored to guests, Brittany replied, “Yes we do a careful skin assessment to understand what treatment is right for our clients to achieve their desired goals. We have found with even young people suffering from acne, that HydraFacial can make a profound difference. But it is also frequented by women looking to improve their look before a big event. We vary the level of enzymes and chemicals, evaluate various boosters, all based upon the client’s specific needs,” added Brittany.
Another key part of the HydraFacial experience is the LED Light therapy which stimulates collagen and absorption of the products. “We finish with what is branded Vortex Fusion – we call it gold in a bottle.”
Brittany Hickman is one of Whisper Creek’s HydraFacial experts and is ready to assist you in seeing a difference. “One treatment is enough to start to see a difference, but if you really want to maintain the look and see a long-term benefit, we recommend getting a HydraFacial once a month and pairing with the Jan Marini Skin Care system.”